Drip Coffee
Cold Brew
Piper and Leaf Tea – iced or hot
Americano – espresso with hot water
Au Lait – half drip coffee, half steamed milk
Latte – espresso with steamed milk and a layer of milk foam
Flavored Latte – espresso, steamed milk, and choice of syrup or sauce
Cappuccino – espresso with equal parts steamed milk and milk foam
Flat White – espresso with steamed milk and minimal milk foam
Breve – latte made with half and half
Single Shot – 1 oz
Double Shot – 2 oz
Hot Chocolate
Apple Cider
Chai Tea Latte – iced or hot
Smoothies – strawberry, wild berry, peach, mango, tropical harmony, or harvest greens
Red Bull Smoothie
Frios – coffee, vanilla, chai or green tea base and frozen hot chocolate
Tea Latte – iced or hot
Italian Sodas – flavor with club soda
Steamers – flavor with steamed milk
Bolt Gatorade
Pepsi products
Dr. Pepper
Red Bull

Kick in the Pants – drip coffee with espresso shots
Vida Dulce – latte with vanilla, caramel and honey
Shakerato – espresso shots with a splash of cream poured over ice and shaken to get a rich foam
Mocha – espresso and steamed milk with mocha sauce
Carmocha – espresso and steamed milk with mocha and caramel sauce
Mocha Bianca – espresso and steamed milk with white mocha sauce
Caramel Macchiato – espresso, steamed milk and vanilla with caramel on top
Undertow – layered drink with half & half, two espresso shots, and your flavor of choice
Smoking Gun Latte – matcha green tea with vanilla and our signature sweet heat flavoring